When a child is in primary or middle school, the amount and depth of portions he is learning is comparatively less as compared to what he learns in high school or college.So it’s easier for a child to recollect what he has studied in lower grades with the help of teacher’s notes and textbook reading and then write it down during examinations to be assessed.
In higher classes, the student has to learn lot of aspects related to each subject and has to retain huge amount of information and successfully communicate it to the examiner by presenting the content in a convincing manner in the summative examinations. Students often forget what they have heard as they keep on listening for hours at a stretch on various subjects and topics in the classroom.Notes are a very useful collection of key information one has heard in the classroom which can be used anytime later for reference and recollection.When a student makes notes, he is prioritising content which is most relevant and important.Self made notes once referred before examinations can be expanded into a perfect answer which the examiner demands,sometimes after so many months of learning the topic.
Breaking down a big topic into smaller sections of information highlighting key points will help the student to learn better and recollect the content whenever necessary.Developing the key points you have written will help you expand the topic in detail especially during assessments.Students who write notes have better memory recall as writing down important information helps them reinforce what they have learned during the lecture.Most importantly,students who take notes will become better listeners as they are keen to understand and write down the key points from a larger content which may not be always relevant to the topic when it comes to assessment.Make quality notes,perform well in examinations and most important become an organised learner.